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Mid and West Wales & North Wales Fire and Rescue Services Independent Culture Review

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service and North Wales Fire and Rescue Service have jointly appointed Crest Advisory to facilitate an independent cultural review.

The Review follows the Welsh Government’s acceptance in March of a proposal from both fire and rescue services to better understand the progress of improvements to organisational culture in each service. The proposal formed the basis of a written statement by the then Deputy Minister for Social Partnership, Hannah Blythyn MS.

About the Review

This Review will be conducted independently of each fire and rescue service by Crest Advisory.

A critical part of the Review will be to seek out and listen to the views and lived experiences of current and former staff (still employed after 1 June 2021) from Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service and North Wales Fire and Rescue Service.

There will be multiple ways to contribute to the Review including:


 an online survey 


​ individual interviews, in person and online 


​ focus groups 


​ written submissions â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


​​All methods of contributing to the Review will be available in English or Welsh. All methods of contribution will be considered in equal measure.

The Review team will also conduct on-site visits to locations in both fire and rescue services areas.

The Review’s focus is on the safety and well-being of current and former fire and rescue staff and to protect you, the reporting of data obtained through the survey, written submissions, or interviews and focus groups will be anonymised / pseudonymised. Information shared with the Review will remain confidential, unless there are safeguarding or criminal issues raised that require the Review team to share this information with a third party, such as the police.

The Review will also analyse documents, data and other information provided at Crest’s request.

Who the Review wants to hear from

We want to hear from current and former staff at both Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service and North Wales Fire and Rescue Service.

Former staff must have been employed by either Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service or North Wales Fire and Rescue Service who were still employed after 1 June 2021.​


The Review team are undertaking the interviews and focus groups for each fire and rescue service separately. This is to allow the same team to focus equally on each service and to ensure an equal amount of time is spent undertaking engagement with current and former staff in both areas.

How to take part

A green button indicates that a method of taking part is live for that fire and rescue service. Please click on the button to take part using that method of contribution.

How to take part

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service

(closes November)

(closes November)

CLOSED: interview / focus group EOIs

Due to receiving the required numbers for expressions of interest (EOIs), the Review has closed EOIs for both in-person and online MAWWFRS interviews and focus groups. For those who have submitted an EOI, the Review team will be in touch in due course regarding selection for interviews and focus groups.


North Wales Fire and Rescue Service

(closes November)

(closes November)

Expressions of interest for interviews and focus groups will open in late September

Online Survey

The survey is an important opportunity for you to share your experiences and views of culture in Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service and North Wales Fire and Rescue Service. The survey will have a mix of multiple choice and open text questions, with the option to skip questions.

The survey is being undertaken by the Review and only the Review team working on the survey will see the responses. Responses are submitted directly to the Review and are anonymous (unless you volunteer identifying information). If you provide any information that might identify you, the Review team will remove it before reporting.

Reporting of data obtained through the survey will be anonymised. Where small numbers respond to the survey (e.g. from specific groups or areas), findings will either be combined or suppressed to protect confidentiality and further reduce the risk of identification of individuals.


Click here to read the survey privacy notice.




The interviews are a further opportunity to set out your views and experiences of the fire and rescue service you work or worked at. In the interview you will be able to talk about your experiences and we will ask for your broader reflections on culture at the fire and rescue service you work at — for example, what works well, what doesn’t, what might have improved or got worse over time, your thoughts on how things could be improved or areas of good practice.

The interview will be facilitated by a member of the Review team, with a second member attending to take notes.

You do not have to answer any questions you don’t want to. You can stop the interview at any time. We will conduct the interviews in a confidential space. The online interviews will take place on Microsoft Teams or Zoom.


The Review’s focus is on the safety and well-being of current and former FRS staff and to protect you, the reporting of data obtained through the interviews and focus groups will be anonymised/pseudonymised. Information shared with us will remain confidential, unless there are safeguarding or criminal issues raised that require us to share this information with a third party, such as the police.

Focus groups

The focus groups will cover the same topics as the interviews but will be held in groups of up to 10 members of staff. There will be separate focus groups for junior and senior staff.

Focus groups offer an important way for the Review team to understand the culture of your fire and rescue service. Participants have the opportunity to build on other’s contributions and generate ideas that they might not have thought of in an individual interview. In this way focus groups can build a rich picture of how 'we do things around here'.

The focus groups will be facilitated by two members of the Review team.

You do not have to answer any questions you don’t want to. You can leave the focus group at any time.


The Review’s focus is on the safety and well-being of current and former FRS staff and to protect you, the reporting of data obtained through the interviews and focus groups will be anonymised/pseudonymised. Information shared with us will remain confidential, unless there are safeguarding or criminal issues raised that require us to share this information with a third party, such as the police.

Written submissions

Written submissions should include any reflections on the culture and ways of working within Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service or North Wales Fire and Rescue Service. This could include any personal experiences of culture in Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Services or North Wales Fire and Rescue Services.

When submitting written responses, please let us know:


  • Which fire and rescue service you work or worked for

  • If you no longer work for the fire and rescue service, when you left.


Please use the subject line ‘Written Submission’ when providing any feedback to us.

By providing written responses, you are consenting to this information being analysed as part of the Review. Any information you send will only be available to the immediate Review team, and will be anonymised during analysis and report writing. This means it will not be attributable to you. There is no requirement to provide the Review team with personal data- for example, you can use an email address and pseudonym(s) that do not identify you or anyone else.

For those who wish to contribute to the Review but might find it difficult to complete the online survey or a written submission, we would encourage you to submit a recorded spoken submission which can be sent to the Review email address: For more information about how to do this, please contact the Review team on the same email. 

Get in touch with us

Anyone can contact the Review team at

How your input will be used

Your input will enable each fire and rescue service to better understand the progress of improvements to organisational culture in each service. You will also advise on the progress each service has made since adopting the 35 recommendations set out in the Values and Culture in Fire and Rescue Services national spotlight report by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services, published in March 2023. The Review also follows the findings of the review into culture and values in South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, led by Fenella Morris KC.

The final report, together with any identified areas for improvement, will be published in January 2025 by Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service and North Wales Fire and Rescue Service. The report will be presented to the staff and the Fire and Rescue Authority Committees of both fire and rescue services and the Welsh Government.


What are the Review's Terms of Reference?
What is Fenella Morris KC’s report?
Who can take part in the Review?
When are the interviews and focus groups taking place?
Why haven’t I been selected for an interview or focus group?
Will I remain anonymous if I take part in the Review?
Can I take part in Welsh?
What if I need support after taking part?
Can I change my mind about participating?
How will my information and data be kept?
What will happen with the results of the Review?
How were Crest Advisory appointed?
What if I have a question or complaint?
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