Wednesday 23 December 2020

We’re fortunate at Crest that we get to work with people at all levels within our client organisations, from the chiefs and PCCs to the dedicated support staff who help them make and implement their decisions. It makes sure we can see every angle to a problem and factor in all the perspectives when working out the right solution.
Last week our Head of Strategy and Performance, Ellie Covell, and our Associate Director of Analysis, Savas Hadjipavlou, finished a series of training sessions with analysts and managers at Bedfordshire Police, helping them to use the bespoke workload and performance analysis tool we have been developing with the force over the last 12 months.
The tool has been developed to support Bedfordshire Police in its strategic planning functions, and the ultimate goal is to provide the force's analysts and improvement team with easy to access and use software that supports them in delivering their roles. Understanding what they need has been critical to our success so we always want to hear their views and ideas.
The aim of the online session was to explore the functionality of the tool with the Business Change and Continuous Improvement Team, provide some short explainers around statistical forecasting and workload modelling, and answer any questions the team had about day to day use of the tool. We always want our clients to get the most out of the capability we give them and make sure they make it work as hard as possible for them so they can deliver even better results for their colleagues.
Transformations in the Crest data model

The best training sessions always teach the tutor something new, and we picked up some very insightful comments on the data and questions on how the tool can best help them to deliver for their colleagues in the force.
Ellie says:
“It has been a brilliant experience working alongside the analysts at Bedfordshire Police this year. They have such an important role to play in helping the chief officer team understand the choices and trade offs they need to consider and we’re really pleased that we can help them show the value of their work to their colleagues.
"Analysis is a strategic function in successful organisations and helping the team at Bedfordshire get the demand and performance information they need has been a really satisfying experience. We’re looking forward to working closely with them all again next year.”