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Farewell to Abdalla Al-Amoudi!



Thursday 1 July 2021

Abdalla Al-Amoudi, an International Political Economy student at City, University of London, kicked off his final year with a four-week placement at Crest. Before we said goodbye to him at the end of June, we asked him a couple of questions about his time with us...

Why Crest?

I opted to work at Crest Advisory for a month as part of a micro-placement module in my third and final year of university. I've always wanted to learn more about crime and justice and Crest seemed like the perfect opportunity to dive in at the deep end. The experience was a real eye opener; I had to leave my comfort zone and in doing so, I learnt valuable skills.

What did you do while you were at Crest?

One of my first tasks at Crest was working with the communications team, putting together media briefings across different projects. This helped sharpen my attention to detail and think outside the box. I needed to understand a topic quickly to find the most relevant information and articles, even if that wasn’t always apparent. Time management was key as deadlines were tight; that was challenging at first but it became part of my routine.

I was also able to develop my data visualisation skills while working with the strategy and insight team. That involved filtering, mutating and organising data which had to be visualised on Excel as bar charts and pie charts. Initially, this was challenging as I'd never done anything like it before, but with help from my colleagues, I became more comfortable with the process and started working with large data-sets. I saw my data analysis skills improve and put these to use on a briefing about gendered violence and polling work on public inquiries.

What did you enjoy most about working at Crest?

Working at Crest was an unforgettable experience, not only because of the opportunity to develop new skills but also because of the working environment. I could come in and out of the office, meeting and working with my colleagues in person – away from Google hangouts! Everyone was so welcoming, willing to help whatever my questions were. It was easy to talk to people at Crest, either in a social context or in a conversation about a particular project; everybody was always open to new ideas and new ways of working.

I would just like to thank everyone for giving me the opportunity to do my placement at Crest Advisory!

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