Wednesday 20 July 2022

As part of City University’s Micro-Placement programme, Orly Hakimian, a third-year Business Management student, spent four weeks at Crest getting stuck into a variety of communications and strategy & insight projects.
I had the pleasure of interning at Crest Advisory for four weeks as part of City University’s Micro-Placement Programme.
I have always been fascinated by the criminal justice system and believed Crest would provide me with the best experience in that field. Crest works for a wide range of organisations connected to criminal justice and carries out meaningful work with a social purpose.
It was an interesting, busy and exciting month. I compiled media monitoring reports, which improved my writing skills, designed Instagram posts, which boosted my creativity, and sent out email invitations for a webinar Crest is hosting, which taught me about the importance of stakeholder engagement. Moving between projects allowed me to get to know each member of the Crest team, enhanced my transferable skills and gave me a broad range of valuable experience.
I particularly enjoyed the warm and collaborative work environment and felt at ease from the first day in the office. Each member of the team arranged to have a one-on-one chat with me, I was invited to all the staff social events and everyone was eager to help with projects and questions. The motivation and passion of the team is obvious - and there is always a buzz in the office, which brings energy while producing high quality work.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Crest and want to thank everyone for providing me with an amazing placement experience!