Baroness Casey Review of the Metropolitan Police
Domestic abuse research: behind the analysis
Crest in Conversation: Neil Basu – Reflections on Policing
Who commits domestic abuse? The lessons of our research for preventing serious violence
New starters and team leavers in 2023
Three questions on drugs
Three questions on criminal justice
No charges? What the latest figures tell us
Looking back and forward: the year in review and what's to come in 2023
Stop and search: a plan for change
Forgotten voices: Policing, stop and search and the perspectives of Black children
Joining up Justice with Real World Solutions
Crime, policing and stop and search: Black perspectives in context
Cutting the head off the snake
What the latest dataset tells us about crime in England and Wales
Violence against Women and Girls and technology: a conversation which is desperately needed
Fixing Neverland
Devon and Cornwall’s Serious Violence Prevention Programme and lessons for the forthcoming Duty
October's additions to the Crest team
The public's view of public inquiries: insights from our 2022 survey