On secondment from the Met
What makes for a successful public inquiry?
Police targets redux
Policing at Clapham and policing the pandemic: the public are supportive–but clear warning signs too
Policing after the Pandemic
Unlocked: briefing civil servants on the key to developing successful policy and practice ideas
Citizens' Jury: Deliberative democracy goes online
Farewell to Dr Molly Corlett
Violence and Vulnerability
Roundtable: Counting the Cost of Maternal Imprisonment
The Covid effect: Danny Shaw examines today's crime stats
The verdict of our “Citizens’ Jury” on the future of the CJS: Radical solutions with a tough edge?
Survive. Recover. Rebuild. Justice post Covid-19
Policing the Covid lockdown - what the public thinks nine months on
Delivering training on Crest's demand tool with Bedfordshire Police
Policing the long crisis: an appraisal of the police response to COVID-19
High stakes? What's on the cards for crime and justice in 2021
Oli Hutt joins Crest as Strategy and Insight Manager
Introducing interns Cassia, Jess and Nishat
Countering Extremism: time to reboot?